“BMW Barnstorm” A Marketing Film For SVConcepts
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”Chris Layhe, Alexandra and the CLAi team shot a promotional video for my company and it turned out FANTASTIC!”
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Michael Lomas, President Silicon Valley Concepts
Michael generously says it all – a bunch of BMW M class cars, some great drivers under Ralph Conway, a terrific location, car dancing by Alexandra Conway, a racecar-savvy crew under Chris Layhe, day action mixed with night time scenics, all in a huge aircraft hanger where they build Blackhawk helicopters, lots of takes, masses of footage from four cameras, hell to try and direct, significant lighting challenges, oodles of exhilaration and an awful lot of editing, color grading and soundtrack work… and worth every second of it for the fun we had!
Chris Layhe was the Director and DP on the project, Alexandra Conway choreographed, while her dad Ralph Conway provided auto wrangling, and CLAi provided equipment and camera crews, as well as editing, color correction and color grading, and sound design.
To find out more about CLAi’s Production Film and Video Services go to
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